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Online Marketing Platform


Our main objective is to promote YOUR BRAND through digital channels such as / in social networks and the Internet and in this way have one more sales channel and increase sales for the company / client, SIMS through a strategy of digital marketing, find your target audience with the need for your product or service so that they know it, like it and trust you, with the purpose of converting that knowing, pleasing and trusting to try, buy, repeat and refer, logical sequence that mobilizes someone from the initial knowledge of your product or service, to turning them into a FAN / Satisfied Customer of your company, our online marketing platform is developed to bring the potential customer at each point of contact to become a customer.


Main Advantages and Benefits of Digital Marketing:
  • You can segment the market by creating a specific audience that searches for your products and services, achieving a considerable increase in sales.
  • No matter the size of your company, digital marketing allows you to keep up with large companies.
  • It is much more profitable than marketing in any other "traditional" channel, with a small monthly budget you can have a large reach and a well-segmented group, making the most of the budget.
  • You can measure the return on investment (ROI) easily, with digital marketing there is a large amount of data that can be measured to know in an efficient way how much is being invested and how much has been produced, know statistics to modify and evolve the strategies and campaigns.
  • The results are seen in real time so you can know exactly how much has been invested, you can modify parameters in real time and immediately to optimize ads and campaigns.
  • It facilitates interaction and proximity with the audience, creating empathy and trust with its audience, thus achieving new and current customer loyalty, and improving the sales process, creating a community around the brand.
  • You can reach users around the world, one of the main advantages of Digital Marketing and having a presence on the internet is that your brand can impact all over the world, with the same budget it can reach consumers in your city, in other cities and from other countries, your company goes global.
  • It is a step towards the future of the internet of things, the importance of being and marketing on the internet is to keep up with new trends, such as the Digital Age, all consumers are connected on the internet, they buy online and they communicate online.

We accept all credit cards, online payments through PAYPAL.



Economic Plan, Art en Content
Creation, Management and Promotion of Fan Page
(Facebook) and Instagram Business Profile
Creation, Management of Twitter and Youtube Profile
SEO Search Engine Optimization
 BLOG Administration
Profile and Cover Photo
Response Time / X
Arts Creation
Email Marketing
Contests and Surveys




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